Change Log

This page shows changes to the BaddersWeb badminton website software over time. As per the Features page, our aim is to develop as comprehensive a product as possible.

When new associations, leagues and club come on board and request improvements or new features, these are added to the BaddersWeb content management system for all to use.

Oct 2024

Mostly club specific changes for Ipswich based Belstead Badminton Club and some minor enhancements:

  • New Feature - Teams can now be entered for each League a Club plays in. Each Team can have their own introduction, along with an embedded iframe of the League website, a website link or a download.
  • Enhancement - Ability to now display details of the Leagues the Club plays in with an introduction and an embedded iframe of their website, a website link, a download or as individual Teams.
  • Enhancement - Function for Clubs to rename the Leagues section on the website if desired.
  • Enhancement - Length of Website field for Coaches increased to accommodate deep hyperlinks.
  • Enhancement - New Template settings to change the Banner size and the size of the font on the Menu and Headings.

Sep 2024

Changes for Hastings & District Badminton League and bug fix:

  • Enhancement - New League Scoring Settings added to allow tables to be ranked by rubbers first, then games and points for some, but not all divisions in the league.
  • Bug Fix - Issue with inability to delete Fixtures resolved.

Jul 2024

Changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association and Kirkham Charter Badminton Club:

  • New Feature - BaddersWeb is now available for Clubs to host their own website. See the pricing page for details.
  • Enhancement - Option added to display Documents and Downloads on specific pages of the website such as Juniors or Masters.
  • Enhancement - Individual Document Categories can now be set to display Documents and Downloads in ascending or descending order. Useful for documents like committee reports to display the latest first.

Jun 2024

Additional features for Blackpool Junior Badminton Club:

  • New Feature - Concept of Schedules added, allowing you to add a calendar of events or timings to the Home page in the format of free text, a poster image, table, downloads or all four. Flexible layout also allows for other additional desired Home page content.
  • New Feature - BaddersWeb is now available for Junior Clubs to host their own website. See the pricing page for details.

May 2024

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association, other enhancements and minor bug fixes:

  • New Feature - Separate Venues can now be added to the system which can be shared between Clubs and / or independently assigned to League and Inter-League Fixtures as required.
  • New Feature - Clubs can now have multiple Venues and for each, state their usage (matches, meet nights, juniors, coaching and / or other), plus add additional details such as when they play there. Fixtures will continue to automatically display a map for a home team's venue, but will now also automatically link to the relevant club page for details if it has multiple venues, unless a venue is separately assigned to said fixture.
  • Enhancement - Officers, Committees and Documents and Downloads pages moved from About to the main menu of the front and back-end of the system.
  • Bug Fix - Error corrected where a Website Link wasn't saving correctly within Documents and Downloads and elsewhere where documents can be uploaded.
  • Announcement - Work is underway to create club and junior club specific versions of BaddersWeb to allow them to host their own websites with meet schedules, junior and coaching information, news, contacts, downloads and more. The cost will be £30 (plus domain costs where relevant) per year per club.

Mar 2024

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association and others:

  • New Feature - A new setting of Seasons Format allows for summer leagues using an international within year season (YYYY), rather than (or in addition to) the UK format (YYYY/YYYY).
  • Enhancement - County associations can now display Affiliated Leagues without running an Inter-League.
  • Enhancement - Starting a new season has been simplified with the introduction of a Current Season setting which will generate blank League Tables without the need for any Fixtures.

Feb 2024

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - Back-end processing of Bookings for Tournaments complete, allowing bookings to be taken using Registered Players or Affiliated Members data on the front and back end of the system, then processed and exported to CSV as required.

Oct 2023

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association, other enhancements and minor bug fixes:

  • New Feature - Tailorable Shout Outs developed for the Home page offering coloured boxes with images, headings and text to link to and promote specific aspects of the league. Defaults added for Find a Club, Coaching and Juniors.
  • Enhancement - Size of fields for Vacancies, Coaching and Juniors sections on Clubs pages doubled to accommodate more detail.
  • Announcement - Price updates. Cost of SSL certificates for the front-end website reduced to £18 a year. Annual domain name hosting will be charged for from 2024.
  • Announcement - Website reviews now available. Make sure you're getting the most out of BaddersWeb and its new features. Improve the look of your site to boost interaction and recruitment of new players. Only £25.

Sep 2023

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association, other enhancements and minor bug fixes:

  • New Feature - Facility to maintain Affiliated Members for the league and record fees owed and paid by affiliated leagues and clubs, the latter being able to maintain their membership via the system and be presented with appropriate payment details once finalised.
  • New Feature - Fixtures can now be exported to Calendar (ICS) files on the front-end.
  • Enhancement - The Committees page in the About section now only displays on the front-end if it has content.
  • Enhancement - The option of Compact Banner / Menu in Template Settings is now set to "Yes" by default.
  • Enhancement - Removed Keep On Home Page from News items as it was causing confusion. News now appears on the Home Page solely based on the date.
  • Enhancement - Facility added to control how many Latest News items appear on the Home Page.
  • Enhancement - New option to display Upcoming Fixtures on the Home page as a table list or larger boxes with alternating backgrounds and to control how many are displayed.
  • Enhancement - Users with user levels of League / Match Secretary, Inter-League Secretary, Membership / Registration Secretary, Cup Secretary, Tournament Secretary, Seniors Rep, Masters Rep, Juniors Rep and Coaching Rep can now enter News items.
  • Enhancement - Option added to display latest News items on specific pages such as Juniors or Masters, plus the ability to not display them on the Home Page if preferred.
  • Enhancement - Tournaments front-end menu tidied up with a new Archives section.
  • Enhancement - Spam security tightened on the online forms for Voluteering, Development and Coaching.
  • Enhancement - A bio photograph can now be added to Coaches.
  • Enhancement - Tournaments can now be booked using Registered Players as the data source as well as Affiliated Members.
  • Bug Fix - Issue fixed that may have prevented some leagues from uploading documents for News items and Tournaments downloads.

Jul 2023

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association, other enhancements and minor bug fixes:

  • New Feature - Facility to add Google Analytics code created within Settings in Admin back-end.
  • New Feature - Option created to add Seniors and Masters pages to allow specific relevant content.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed save button missing from Officers page within Admin.

May 2023

Minor bug fix:

  • Bug Fix - League table sort order of Points, Wins, Played, Rubbers, Games, Rally Points, Team Name now working if don't choose to display an Against column.

Apr 2023

Several enhancements related to Clubs pages and information:

  • New Feature - New Vacancies section allowing free-format text and automatically listing vacancies information from individual Clubs that include it.
  • Enhancement - Automatically added the words "Badminton Club" to the heading of each Club page name on the front-end website to aid in Google searches.
  • Enhancement - Added Nearest Towns to each front-end Club page where entered, again to help with Google searches for a badminton club in a particular town or area.
  • Enhancement - Coaching page now displays coaching information from individual Clubs that include it.
  • Enhancement - Juniors page now displays Junior Facilities information from individual Clubs that include it.

Mar 2023

Further facilties to upload images to the system added:

  • New Feature - Addition of template Settings to allow you to change the logo, top banner image, template banner and menu size, plus change the sort order of the home page content.
  • New Feature - Ability to set a Google Font to be used for the front-end website body added, with a separate font possible for headers and menus.
  • Enhancement - New Home section added to the Admin back-end to simplify management of home page content and layout.

Feb 2023

Addition of long planned ability to upload images to the system:

  • Enhancement - Functionality added to allow a Link / Header Photo and up to ten Gallery Photos for News items.
  • Enhancement - Ability to upload a photo added for Association / League Officers, Club Contact / Reps and Affiliated League Contact / Reps.
  • Enhancement - All Page Introductions given the option of a main Text Image / Photo to align right of the text and up to ten Gallery Photos.
  • Enhancement - Upload facility added for up to ten Gallery Photos on individual Tournaments.

Dec 2022

Ongoing changes for Lancashire County Badminton Association, other enhancements and minor bug fixes:

  • Enhancement - Documents and Downloads now open in a new browser tab by default.
  • Enhancement - Dropdown added to the entry of Additional Menu Links to allow easy selection of uploaded Documents and Downloads. Useful, for example, to include a "Blank Matchsheet" link on the League pages.
  • Enhancement - Download(s) section added to News articles to upload a specific document related to the news or link to existing Documents and Downloads.
  • Bug Fix - Original poor decision on file location for Documents and Downloads corrected. Legacy links to existing documents will cease to work if those documents are updated.
  • Bug Fix - Broken link to Knock-Out Table page within Cups fixed.

Nov 2022

Ongoing updates for Lancashire County Badminton Association and minor enhancements:

  • New Feature - New Safeguarding page added, allowing free format text and document download or link to third party website.
  • Enhancement - Option to Limit To Three, the Upcoming League Fixtures on the home page.
  • Enhancement - Facility for listing of Events for Tournaments added, along with relevant fees.
  • Enhancement - Below News option added to list Upcoming League Fixtures below the Latest News on the home page.
  • Enhancement - Ability to open website and document links in a new window / tab added for all relevant text entry, such as News items and Page Introductions.
  • Enhancement - New Features setting added to use a more compact banner and menu for the front-end website if desired.

Oct 2022

Ongoing updates for Lancashire County Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - Payment Methods added, starting with league Bank Accounts, to allow for future bookings of Tournaments by Affiliated Members via the front-end website.
  • Enhancement - Tournaments page enhanced to include the dates of the tournament, venue address and map, closing date for entry, entry form and conditions downloads, plus further features in preparation for allowing booking of tournament events via the front-end website.

Sep 2022

Quick enhancement for South Foreland Badminton Association and a bug fix:

  • Enhancement - Facility for page introduction added to the Documents and Downloads page.
  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue with missing admin menu link for club and team administrators.

Jun 2022

Ongoing updates for Lancashire County Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - County level association facility to run an Inter-League with teams put together to represent Affiliated Leagues. Can be run instead of or alongside a traditional League where the existing Teams of any affiliated Clubs from within the county can play against each other.

Mar 2022

Ongoing updates for Lancashire County Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - New Coaches listing facility on the Coaching page to list badminton coaches in the local area.
  • New Feature - Qualifications page added to the Coaching section for links to available courses for coaches, along with any required additional information.
  • New Feature - Funding page added to the Coaching section to provide information on funding available for coaches to gain qualifications, including an optional pre-built front-end enquiry form for applicants to complete.
  • New Feature - New Volunteering section added, allowing free format text and including an optional pre-built front-end enquiry form for potential volunteers to get in touch.
  • New Feature - Development page added, allowing free format text and including an optional pre-built front-end application form for development funding.
  • Enhancement - User Level of "Coaching Rep" added with appropriate system access.

Feb 2022

Updates underway for Lancashire County Badminton Association as they become the second county to sign up to BaddersWeb:

  • New Feature - New Junior Clubs facility to publish names and contact details of affiliated and non-affiliated junior clubs in the area.
  • Enhancement - Addition of settings pages to allow features such as tournaments and history to be turned on and off, the colour scheme of the website to be altered and the addition of social media links.
  • Announcement - Significant work planned to improve the system's provision for county association requirements, including: inter-league leagues, membership management and promoting development funding, junior facilities, coaching and voluteering opportunities within the county.

Nov 2021

Minor enhancement for Northamptonshire Badminton League.

  • Enhancement - Historic divisions hidden for the latest season on the league results pages of the front-end.

Sep 2021

Requested enhancements for Lancaster, Morecambe & District Badminton League:

  • New Feature - New Juniors page linked to from the main menu. Offers free format text entry and automatic listing and linking to Clubs page(s) that have Junior Facilities info.
  • New Feature - User Level of "Juniors Rep" added with appropriate system access.
  • New Feature - Concept of Loan Player added to the system, allowing a player to be selected for any fixture for any club team, including their own. A useful method of ensuring fixtures go ahead, it is intended for use with players who are nominated to a team, but are happy to be loaned out to other teams within other clubs at the same level or above.
  • Enhancement - Change to Coaching page to automatically list and link to Clubs page(s) that have provided Coaching information.

Aug 2021

Ongoing COVID-19 price reductions:

  • Announcement - After a free year for the 2020/21 season, annual fees halved amidst ongoing COVID-19 uncertainty and advertising fees dropped for a second year.

Jul 2021

Preparations for a potential return to the courts post lockdown:

  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue preventing uploads of Documents and Downloads caused by upgrades to the Admin area.

Jun 2020

Further lockdown enhancements added:

  • New Feature - SSL certificates available to purchase for front-end websites.
  • Enhancement - Addition of SSL certificate (HTTPS / browser padlock) added to login screens and the wider Admin area.
  • Enhancement - Changes to the generic Privacy Notice to clarify a specific Data Protection Officer might not be required for smaller leagues.
  • Bug Fix - Minor improvements to security of the Admin area, including preventing user access to disabled features.

May 2020

COVID-19 allows for the completion of major enhancements to the system:

  • Enhancement - Fresh, new, mobile-friendly look and feel to the BaddersWeb front-end, with lots of options planned for personalisation.

Feb 2020

Correction in league table sorting:

  • Bug Fix - Fixed issue with League Table Sort sort that ignored use of Against column when fixtures Played, Won, Games (For) and Points were all the same.

Oct 2019

Minor enhancement for Southampton and District Badminton Association, plus bug fix:

  • Enhancement - Removal of legacy non-sorting of historic divisions to ensure historic league tables display in the correct order.
  • Bug Fix - Minor fix to Useful Links page, whereby the Miscellaneous category heading wasn't displaying.

Aug 2019

Changes to enable Lancaster, Morecambe & District Badminton League to use the system:

  • New Feature - Addition of "Pool Player" functionality to allow a registered player to be selected for any fixture for any club team, including their own. Used for players that are registered with a named club, but are not yet a strong enough player to gain a permanent team place.
  • Enhancement - Improvement of recording and historic reporting on whether registered players were nominated when playing a fixture.

Mar 2019

Minor enhancements for Northamptonshire Badminton League.

  • Enhancement - New penalty of "Incomplete team(s)" added.
  • Enhancement - Zero point penalty allowed to register a first offence, where points are only deducted on subsequent occasions
  • Bug Fix - Error corrected whereby penalties were registering as a lost game in league tables for the league scoring setting of "Draw (Choose Winner)".

Feb 2019

Enhancements for South Foreland Badminton Association and Northamptonshire Badminton League.

  • New Feature - Creation of a "Draw (Choose Winner)" league scoring setting to allow for fixtures that end in a draw where the winner is decided based on rubbers, then rally points and then receives points accordingly. Simple solution employed to choose the winner to prevent the recording and display of all rubbers and rally points.
  • Enhancement - Additional clarification on various help topics including "Rubbers" and club "Start Time".

Jan 2019

Various improvements to Registered Player functionality.

  • New Feature - Tool added to merge accidentally entered duplicate registered player records, including the clubs they're registered for, teams they're nominated for and all their historic appearances.
  • Bug Fix - To prevent fraudulent use, when re-instating a non-current player, the Date From field for their Registered Club and any Nominated Team(s) will be reset for team captain and club / match secratary roles.

May 2018

Updates to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) (the GDPR):

  • New Feature - Creation of a Privacy Notice in compliance with the GDPR.
  • Enhancement - Updates to the Terms and Conditions accordingly.
  • Enhancement - Improvements to the use of Cookies within the BaddersWeb system Admin function.

Feb 2018

Plans for upcoming 2018/19 season:

  • Announcement - Numerous improvements planned for the 2018/19 season including an upgrade to make the front end mobile friendly, ability to upload photographs and possible new pricing structure options such as offering a share in advertising revenue.

Sep 2017

Security improvements:

  • Bug Fix - Various security improvements to prevent users with insufficient permissions gaining access to features.

Jan 2017

Minor enhancement for Southampton and District Badminton Association:

  • Enhancement - Ability for the League Match Secretary and other appropriate admin to enter a "Walkover" result for a fixture, without needing to record any appearances - where the registered players setting is enabled.

Jan 2017

Best laid plans:

  • Enhancement - Live change log added to the back-end of BaddersWeb to make users aware of new features.

Oct 2016

Fixture list enhancement for Portsmouth & Havant Badminton Association:

  • Enhancement - Site-wide setting added that changes the venue for fixture lists to a direct link to the home club's page for a user to get details, rather than attempting to list the venue itself. Added as some clubs play different matches at different venues, depending on the day or team.

Feb 2016

Document upload enhancements for Blackpool & District Badminton Association:

  • Enhancement - Doubled the maximum allowed size for an upload from 5mb to 10mb.
  • Enhancement - Changed upload facility to allow DOCX and XLSX files from MS Office 2007 onwards.

Oct 2015

Further enhancements for Winchester & District Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - Admin facility to report on and export registered player information, including name, club, badminton reg no, gender, registered date and nominated teams.
  • Enhancement - Coaching page made optional on the main menu.
  • Enhancement - New option to view, print and export information for "All Teams" within club fixtures, results and appearances pages on the website.

Sep 2015

Minor improvements:

  • Enhancement - Tightened the back-end login procedure to include a security question.
  • Enhancement - Doubled the size of introductory text allowed for a page or section to accommodate approximately two sides of A4.

Aug 2015

Enhancements for Winchester & District Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - Option added to zero a team's league scores for a season and record why. Useful for folding and defaulting (dependent on association rules) teams.
  • New Feature - There is now specific documentation about how to handle teams folding or defaulting during the season.
  • New Feature - A useful links page has been added to the main menu if required. Note, it only displays if you add some in the back-end.
  • New Feature - There is now the option to a add a "Games Against" column to your league tables.
  • Enhancement - You can now record the sex of Registered Players for back-end admin use only. Useful for foreign students where the name doesn't give it away.
  • Enhancement - There is now also an option to open Additional Menu Links in a new window if preferred.
  • Enhancement - The link to Google Maps for venues now opens in a new window, leaving the association website still open.
  • Enhancement - When in the clubs and league pages on the front-end, the team, division and seasons persist from one screen to another, rather than always defaulting to the first in the list.
  • Enhancement - The appearances report in admin now highlights a player's nominated teams for the current season.
  • Enhancement - Club team names can now be sorted on the front-end in a non-alphabetical fashion. For example, to allow sort of 1) Mixed 2) Mens 3) Ladies.
  • Enhancement - League tables can now be sorted in two different ways, with the option of adding more in the future.
  • Enhancement - League tables now display fully with zeros for all applicable teams after the first fixture of the season has been added, rather than requiring a fixture for each team to have been added.

Oct 2014

Addition for Blackpool & District Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - Basic free-format coaching page added to the main menu.

Sep 2014

Enhancements for Southampton and District Badminton Association:

  • New Feature - Optional display of the next 5 upcoming fixtures on the home page.
  • New Feature - Option to show / hide unwanted website sections. Can now remove Tournaments, Town Teams and History pages on set-up if not required.
  • New Feature - Addition of registered players, team nominations and the ability to record appearances per fixture for display on the website and reporting in the back-end.
  • New Feature - Ability for team captains to enter results for one or more teams belonging to a club and verify results entered by an opposing team, with relevant front-end display of 'Awaiting Verification' and facility for League Match Secretary to over-write / adjudicate.
  • New Feature - Ability to assign penalties to be displayed on the website within club and league pages and affect league table rankings.
  • Enhancement - Addition of sort order to divisions to allow for non-alphabetical display. e.g. Premier, Division 1, Division 2a, Division 2b, Division 3 and Fours.
  • Enhancement - Creation of a "Win (Points = Match Score + Bonus)" league scoring mechanism to allow for using the match score for points, but giving a bonus of 2 points to the winner.
  • Enhancement - Alteration to allow the system to accept 2 character club names. e.g. J9.

Sep 2011

Original specification for Blackpool & District Badminton Association:

  • Announcement - Replication and enhancement of functionality of their existing website.


For more details of the full specification, take a look at the Features page.

Contact Us

To register your interest in the BaddersWeb website template for your badminton association or league, please get in touch:

Canada and Worldwide

The BaddersWeb badminton league software has an English content management system (CMS) back-end to allow your association to maintain the customisable badminton website template front-end.

This makes it readily suitable for associations and leagues in the United Kingdom, Ireland, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere.

Non-English Versions in alternative languages may be created at a later date, once we have more Customers!